I think I may have just found my answer that the control points are not points but face points
Like the difference between samples and points in Softimage.
I have never like the term texture verts or face normals, the term samples is a lot easier to swallow and less likely to confuse
But in the event I give up and ask for help on a forum but I will publish my foolish attempt below
- Created a grid
- Covered with locators
- Added a RGB map
- Linked the height of the locators to the RGB map R value
- Curse at the cruelty of the world
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This must be a bug, here are the repro steps
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | """ import os,sys,maya devFolder = "/home/samh/dev" if devFolder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0,devFolder) print "Setting up dev environment for first time" else: print "Dev environment setup" import paintHeights reload(paintHeights) maya.cmds.file(new=True,force=True) paintHeights.makePaintableLocators() """ import maya def makePaintableLocators(numWidth=10,numBreadth=10,width=10,height=10,breadth=10): gridTrans= maya.cmds.polyPlane(constructionHistory=False,o=2 ,width=width,height=breadth,sw=numWidth,sh=numBreadth,cuv=2) gridShape = maya.cmds.listRelatives(shapes=True)[0] polyE = maya.cmds.polyEvaluate() count = polyE["vertex"] positions = [maya.cmds.getAttr("%s.vt[%d]" % (gridShape,i) )[0] for i in range(count)] locators = ["%s" % maya.cmds.spaceLocator(position=(0,0,0))[0] for i in range(count)] [maya.cmds.setAttr("%s.translateX" % locators[i],positions[i][0]) for i in range(count)] [maya.cmds.setAttr("%s.translateY" % locators[i],positions[i][1]) for i in range(count)] [maya.cmds.setAttr("%s.translateZ" % locators[i],positions[i][2]) for i in range(count)] [maya.cmds.setAttr("%s.template" % locators[i],1) for i in range(count)] maya.cmds.select(gridShape) colourSet = maya.cmds.polyColorSet(create=True,colorSet="heightField",newColorSet="heightField")[0] heights = [maya.cmds.getAttr("%s.colorSet[0].colorSetPoints[%s]" % (gridShape,i)) for i in range(count)] maya.cmds.polyColorPerVertex(rgb=(0.5,0.5,0.5),cdo=True) heightsNew = [maya.cmds.getAttr("%s.colorSet[0].colorSetPoints[%s]" % (gridShape,i)) for i in range(count)] a = [maya.cmds.setAttr("%s.colorSet[0].colorSetPoints[%s].colorSetPointsR" % (gridShape,i),0.5) for i in range(count*40)] expressions = ["%s.translateY=(%s.colorSet[0].colorSetPoints[%s].colorSetPointsR - 0.5) * %f" % (locators[i], gridShape,i,height) for i in range(count)] [maya.cmds.expression(string = i) for i in expressions] return |